CORE Coorinator Couple
- Responsible for attending community meetings and CORE.
- Responsible for presenting the schedule for the CORE program to the community.
- Responsible for coordinating with Post Weekend sessions of Retrouvaille.
- Responsible for coordinating with CORE groups to schedule meetings at least once a month.
- Responsible for arranging presenters for each CORE meeting.
- Responsible for ensuring couples are notified of CORE group meetings and topics.
- Responsible for assigning facilitators to start new CORE groups.
- Responsible for providing information and training to new CORE leaders.
- Responsible for mailing times, dates, and places for CORE meeting to the newsletter.
- Responsible for collecting attendance record from regional facilitators (Portland, Eugene, Bend, etc.) and reporting CORE attendance to the Board and community.
- Responsible for coordinating with Post Coordinator Couple to introduce CORE to couples just completing Posts.